Duncan’s birthday present done and dusted

Despite having three months to go, we’ve gone ahead and bought Duncan’s birthday present already. His cousin Elly scored a Nintendo DSi for Christmas, and was absolutely rapt with it - so much so that on their last visit she was actually excited to share. Duncan seemed to enjoy it, and there’s a huge selection of games for their age group, so we decided to get him one as well.

It may sound sort of Nintendo fanboying, if you casually scan this blog to read that we also bought the boy a Wii as well, but truthfully he hasn’t touched the Wii in months. With the softmod he can change games himself, but mostly all he ever played was Disney Infinity. And once we learned that the Wii version was terrible, we ditched it in favor of the PS3. We do the occasional stint in LittleBigPlanet, and we’ve done many a doughnut at Bathurst on Gran Turismo 6, but Infinity is his jam. So I don’t really know what to do with the Wii.

But the DSi will certainly have its charms - he very much likes gaming on the tablet when he’s stuck in the van for hours, but games like Minion Rush tend to crash it, and the battery life is pretty terrible. The DSi will hopefully be another weapon in our arsenal on long trips.

Now we just have to wait until April.

Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia



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Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia

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