Ballarat Computer Market - Really going downhill

Into the Ballarat computer market this morning to see if I could find a reasonably priced motherboard for the router, that would use less power than the Pentium 4 it’s currently rocking. Dad went too, in search of a decent XP laptop to run the Mercedes Benz diagnosis software he’s just bought, and we brought Duncan as well.

We paid our $2.50 each to get in (Duncan was free), and we were terribly underwhelmed. It seems that 80% of the place is pirate software, print cartridges, and mobile phone shit. I think I counted about three system builders, two people selling used parts, and one guy selling the wonderful assortment of cables and adapters who’s always there.

The rest of it is just complete and utter shit. The mobile phone stuff is no cheaper than buying it at a stall in a shopping mall, I don’t know why you’d wait a month to buy your ink cartridges when you could buy them online for about the same price, and in this day and age what idiot buys pirate software (I suspect that most of the folks buying this stuff don’t actually realize it’s pirate).

After a wander around and asking about a few motherboards, we ended up leaving empty-handed.

Ballarat VIC, Australia



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Ballarat VIC, Australia

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